Friday, April 18, 2008

disney world

I am going to go to Disney world on my birthday and that is April 23. I might see roller coasters, Hana Martana. Maybe I mite see High School Musical movie stars and the animal kingdom. I am supposed to go to Disney world with my grandma. My dad, and Joy are coming with me on that day of my birthday. I mite have a different pinata and cake. I am desiding if I want a Pucca pinata or a sponbob one again. I don't know if we're going to fly in a airplane or a car with my grandma, me, Joy, and dad. I think we're going in a car with my grandma driving.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Over spring break I went to Savanahh with my dad, and Joy also Gxalburto. When we got there we went to a hotel. The next morning What I had for breakfast was a waffle w/ wipped cream, and fruit. What I had was water or milk I think it was milk. After we went to brekfast we went to this burger place that we went to. Me, my dad, and Joy didn't eat. Only Gxalburto ate I didn't even want to eat not even a burger and freis. Sunday we were supposed to leave. I didn't want to leave it was so great there.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Whenever, my dad yells at Joy, Joy pulls out her pizza roller. Then she hits him down on the head on the floor very hard. Then I come in the fight and push them apart and say "Com down com down." Then they both push me out of the way. My dad pulls out of his pocket comes a pie and he smashes her down with defeating impact! Then Joy pulls out anchor!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Heelys that roll

This morning I couldn't find my Heelys. I wasted all my time looking for my Heelys downstairs. The middle floor too. I was looking for my shoes all that time, they were in my room closet. Me and my grandma just finished cleaning my Heelys.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spirng Break

Spring Break is next Monday April 7 2008 and april 23 will be my birthday! Also I wanted to say was spring break is a holliday from April 7. Spring Break is about when school is over and it's about having fun. Spring Break is also about playing outside to. When sping is over, its going to be summer and whoo is it going to be hot.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I ride my bike a lot and it is big, red and it goes really fast, and its called a rocket. I like my bike a lot also ride it down my bus stop hill to. My bike is kind of fast but it isn't that fast you know and it doesn't look like a ordinary bike. The way to my bus stop is you go to my house and then go left and the go foward and go left and go all he way up and there you are and I sometims do that with my bike and go down the hill. I like or maybe that mite be love anyway It is kind of red when I told you it was red it wasn't really.