Monday, May 12, 2008

Field Day

  1. Today on Field Day I had a face paint. Also we got to do the hoola hoops, and the jump rope. We started at the 4th center and we ended at the 3rd center. We the dang a rangs went all around the field until we got to the 3rd center. It was so much fun more funner than going into space and looking at the whole galixy! We did the parashoot witch was fun and we all got to do these big toes that were really big and you have to hold on to the rope by walking! We got to also do Vally ball we had to use a big ball that told you all the part of your body and it was really fun. I liked Field Day because it was so much fun! We also got to do the tunnel crawl! I forgot to say that oh, I'm such a dummy head. Ok let's not worry about that now who's up for some hot dogs!

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